Нэвтрэх хэсэг Нэвтрэх
- Монгол хөзөр үйчүүрийн зургийн дүрслэлийн онцлог

Илтгэсэн хурлын нэр: МУБИС-ийн ДУТС “Дүрслэх урлаг, Технологи, Дизайны сургалтын тулгамдсан асуудал, шийдвэрлэх арга зам

Илтгэгч:  O.Доржготов

Хамтран илтгэгч:

Илтгэсэн огноо: 2013-05-03

Илтгэлийн хураангуй:


Traditionally, Mongolians are kept and developed their traditional heritage and culture in all of its history. And so, crafts of folk games and dolls are one of the biggest parts of the heritage of traditional fine arts.  For example, khorol, daaluu, uichuur and paper pai or card is widely used in Mongolia in the early 20th century.

At that time, uichuur, paper pai and trumps are only painted by hand because there was no technology to print or copy these games.  As a result, it has become one of the fine art`s kind which has distinctive themes and technique. Uichuur is the ancient version of modern trumps and also, there has very similar games in China, Japan and Korea.

To conclude, artists and painters are expressed their feeling about the social conditions of the time and to criticize it in ordinary folk game`s cards. To painting each of the Uichuur`s page that demanded creativity and capability from the painter. And also they need to research and observing the instinct of the animals and need lots of knowledge about the things that they want to painting. Also, in spite of its lack of artistically creation, capability, the level of completion, composition and imagination, the paintings by ordinary people are characterized painting style and tendency of the time because it described daily life of people and their aspiration and viewpoint in a pamphlet and comical way. 

Илтгэлийн төрөл: Дотоодод зохион байгуулагдсан олон улсын ЭШХ

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Илтгэл нэмсэн: O.Доржготов