Нэвтрэх хэсэг Нэвтрэх
“Youth & Climate Change Education''

Илтгэсэн хурлын нэр: National Forum on Education for Sustainable development

Илтгэгч:  Д.Даваасүрэн

Хамтран илтгэгч:

Илтгэсэн огноо: 2015-02-11

Илтгэлийн хураангуй:

Climate change is a complex global problem because it is intertwined with many other issues, such as economic development and poverty reduction. Every day, young people are exposed to numerous images and messages that promote models of unbridled consumption as the key to happy and fulfilling lives. In reality, however, the impacts of this unsustainable consumption are extremely harmful, contributing to climate change and other environment challenges, such as sea levels, water shortages and food insecurity. The world's youth will have a significant role to play if we are to bring about the widespread behavioral change needed to shift towards more sustainable lifestyles and consumption habits.  

Илтгэлийн төрөл: Дотоодод зохион байгуулагдсан олон улсын ЭШХ

Түлхүүр үг: #Climate Change Education #ESD #Climate change #Youth lifestyles

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Илтгэл нэмсэн: Д.Даваасүрэн