Measuring teacher compentence using tetrahedron model
Илтгэсэн хурлын нэр: Education 2015 recearch- innovatuin development
Илтгэгч:  Б.Оюун-Эрдэнэ
Хамтран илтгэгч: [Ц.Лувсандорж:M.MS01]
Илтгэсэн огноо: 2015-05-02
Илтгэлийн хураангуй: Teacher competence is a construction which encompasses meanings of
competencies required in teaching as a profession. Many studies have
been designated to recognize its nature and nurture so far, this various
findings on competence have been recorded in different publications.
However, we have still been challenged by a question how to measure
teacher competence acquired by real teachers in real sense. In response
to this challenge, this paper offers a method to measure teacher
competence using a technique to translate a tetrahedron model of teacher
competence into measurable variables in consistent with concrete
contextual situations of teaching and then to reach a measurable model
of teacher competence embedded in the given contexts.
Илтгэлийн төрөл: Дотоодод зохион байгуулагдсан олон улсын ЭШХ
Түлхүүр үг:
#communication competence
#teacher disposition or love competence
#content competence
#methodology competence
#teacher competence