Study of high level archery athlete strenght development
Илтгэсэн хурлын нэр: Биеийн тамир, Спорт бие бялдрын хүмүүжил Спортын сургалт дасгалжуулалт ОУ-ийн ЭШ-ний онол практикийн бага хурал
Илтгэгч:  С. Туул
Хамтран илтгэгч:
Илтгэсэн огноо: 2014-03-05
Илтгэлийн хураангуй:
and its historical aspects has been always subject of interest. Mongolian
archers show potential to be highly successful due to historically developed
skills and experience. The
aim of this research was to develop the basis for the theoretical methodology
of improving physical and particularly strength training level of high level
archery athletes. This in turn shall serve as foundation for the archery
training theory and methodology. Objective:
Improvement of archery athletes specified physical strength Research
subjects: 12 athletes as test, and 10 athletes as monitor subjects Our archery national
team was not able to participate in the last three Olympic games, which was not
only directly related to economic problems of our country but also could be
explained by a lack of using latest scientific research findings and
methodologies in training and practices.
Илтгэлийн төрөл: Дотоодод зохион байгуулагдсан олон улсын ЭШХ
Түлхүүр үг: #Athlete #Archery