Монгол орны дорнын сармаахай (Vespertilio sinensis Peters, 1880)-н тархац, биологи, экологи, хамгааллын зарим асуудал.
Хэвлэлийн нэр: МУБИС-ийн БУС-ийн э/ш-ний бичиг. № 3.
Зохиогч:  Ж.Ариунболд
Хамтран зохиогч: [М.Мөнхбаатар:04.ZED010]
Хэвлүүлсэн огноо: 2011-11-16
Хуудас дугаар: 7-13
Өгүүллийн хураангуй:
Abstract Asian
particolored bats are one of the rare and indemic animals in the East Asia, and
it’s the most western distribution is located in Mongolia. This animal is
registered in Mongolian red book as vulnerable and rare with limited
distribution. Also, it is registered in IUCN (2006) by international evaluation
with least concern and by regional evaluation with data definition. Our study
shows that the distribution of asian particolored bat is increased and however,
it occurred relatively rare compared to the other bat species. Females of asian
particolored bat creates large colony and produces two young bats in early
July. They are threatened and lost and during the regeneration season due to
human influences. Sometimes, they make colonies with particolored bat -Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758.
They live in variety of habitat such as streams, rivers and lakes in great
steppe. They occupy with nests close to the human residence in steppe area, but
human still destroy them by without knowing the significance of the bats.
Therefore, it is very important to make artificial nests for them in the steppe