モンゴル地方教育行政施策の現状と課題 ―全国公立学校長アンケート調査の分析を通して―
Хэвлэлийн нэр: アジア教育
Зохиогч:  Л.Ариунжаргал
Хамтран зохиогч:
Хэвлүүлсэн огноо: 2011-10-30
Хуудас дугаар: 47-60
Өгүүллийн хураангуй:
After 1990 when
Mongolia shifted to a democratic society and free market economy in a short
time span, the difference between urban and rural was increased in many social
aspects and it also appeared in the education system. To decrease the
difference is one of the most important issues for Mongolia since Mongolia has
declared that education is the base of development of the country. In order to
solve these issues, a number of laws and rules are legislated and new policies
are enforced. To study the
present pattern of the education system in Mongolia is important to elucidate
the arising issues, to make clear the reinforcement of the measures taken by
the educational authorities, the implementation of the policies enforced by a
state in schools, and the results and issues arising during the implementation
of the policies. There is
research that can provide information about the present condition of the
educational system of Mongolia but the research is not enough to make clear the
implementation process of a policy to lessen the centralized authority in the
education system and issues relating to its implementation. With these
reasons, we considered the educational authority after the law of education,
the latest law that appeared in 2002, and the implementation of the policy
lessening the centralization. The main purpose of our research is to make clear
the efficiency of implementation of policies which are following each other in
a short time span and their suits in real life of present schools as determined
by the law articles that aim to lessen the centralized authority and main
trends in the authority of education. In order to achieve the purpose we
carried out preliminary research in 2009 and a nationwide survey of school
directors in 2010 among school directors with the aim to reveal the
implementation pattern of the policies throughout the country.