New directions in English teacher education for excellence
Хэвлэлийн нэр: The Third Global Education Summit. Beijing Normal University
Зохиогч:  Б.Лхасүрэн
Хамтран зохиогч:
Хэвлүүлсэн огноо: 2017-10-15
Хуудас дугаар: 5-30
Өгүүллийн хураангуй: Since
2014, the Mongolian National University of Education (MNUE) has made a wide
range of changes in its initiatives, one of which is the curriculum refinement.
It implemented a new credit
system which requires all undergraduates to complete a total of 120 credit
hours for four years and the number of academic credits per semester determines tuition fees for the degree. The
university has strived to carry out the reform of education quality and improve
teacher competence of the new era. The university professors put a lot of
efforts in developing the curricula of all majors for two years under the
guidance of the University and ministry, 30 curricula of teacher education for
undergraduates were published as books in the 2016-2017 academic year. The
curricula we developed have been integrated with the policy of the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Science and Sports of Mongolia (MECSS), mission of the MNUE
and the core curriculum of secondary education. The further goal of the
university is to implement those curricula in practice and continuously design,
develop and improve educational technologies which help learners acquire
knowledge, skills and attitudes through the curricula. This study focuses on evaluating current
practices of implementation of this four-year “Teacher, Foreign Language
Education”- pre-service English teacher program with 120 credit hours and
proposes further improvements based on students’ needs analysis at the MNUE.
During the academic year of 2016-2017, the number of undergraduate students in
years 1-3 of this program has reached over 489. In this program, English
courses are offered for 51 credits, educational studies are for 8 credits,
psychology courses are taught for 6 credits and different types of teaching
practices are for 14 credits to be completed in six semesters. In other words,
there are more non-English courses and teaching practices in the new curriculum
implemented since 2014, by comparison with the previous curriculum. Open-ended
and closed-ended questionnaires for 125 undergraduates in years 1-4 and for
faculty members, focus group interviews, and observation are employed to
conduct it. Regarding the advantages of the program, this new curriculum
package adapted from Germany has offered undergraduates the possibilities for
having own weekly class schedules, choosing course teachers and making a choice
of few optional courses. Several recommendations have been made to improve the program to satisfy
the learning needs of students as its central concern. Moreover, further
research is needed in evidence-based practices to reach the program excellence.
Өгүүллийн төрөл: Олон улсын хурлын эмхэтгэлд өгүүллийн хураангуй
Өгүүллийн зэрэглэл: Гадаад
Түлхүүр үг: #bottom up approach #curriculum development and implementation #evidence-based practices #developmental strategy