Нэвтрэх хэсэг Нэвтрэх
Using social media to improve "Writing skill of English"

Хэвлэлийн нэр: ГХЗАЗА

Зохиогч:  Ц.Анхныбаяр

Хамтран зохиогч:

Хэвлүүлсэн огноо: 2016-06-15

Хуудас дугаар: 110-112

Өгүүллийн хураангуй: This article describes the 7-week project which was carried out on Facebook aiming to improve writing skill and to expand vocabulary of non-English majored students. I have also mentioned some problems and solutions we faced during the implementation of the project. Additionally, it includes some potential ideas on different versions and ways to conduct a similar project as an extra-curricular activity using ICT and social media. I'm writing this article to share my experience to the readers of the journal about my first attempt to use a type of social media as an extra-curricular activity. 

Өгүүллийн төрөл: Мэргэжлийн түвшинд хянагддаг сэтгүүл

Өгүүллийн зэрэглэл: Дотоод

Түлхүүр үг: #participant #write an essay #to expand vocabulary #mention #post #non-English majored students

Өгүүлэл нэмсэн: Ц.Анхныбаяр