Нэвтрэх хэсэг Нэвтрэх
Mongolian Land Datаbase and Its Update by RS Data

Хэвлэлийн нэр: Full paper published in Proceedings of the International Conference “Geoinformation-2012”, Volume 1,

Зохиогч:  Ц.Бат-Эрдэнэ

Хамтран зохиогч:

Хэвлүүлсэн огноо: 2012-10-15

Хуудас дугаар: pp.61-65.

Өгүүллийн хураангуй: Land is one of the essential and non-renewable recourses and also it is a resource of people’s livelihood and social existence, means of production and classic form of property.  When structure of Mongolian land database in nationwide scale is considered, agriculture land especially pasture land comprises most area. As could be seen, since 1970,  classified land of land database including the area of  city, specially protected area and mining have been reduced, and area of other classified land have not been perceptibly changed.