Нэвтрэх хэсэг Нэвтрэх
Эх бичвэрийн найруулга дахь оруулбарын тухайд

Хэвлэлийн нэр: МУБИС, Монгол судлалын сургууль Монгол судлалын чуулган Э/ш/ний бичиг №47

Зохиогч:  Л.Цэрэнчимэд

Хамтран зохиогч:

Хэвлүүлсэн огноо: 2012-04-04

Хуудас дугаар: 37-48

Өгүүллийн хураангуй:


It is commonly documented in language that pieces of writing related to content and meaning of a particular text are inserted into stylistic of written texts. For exa mple, citation of theoretical knowledge, definition and concept related to a topic being studied is an inserted text in stylistic of scientific studies.  Among them inserted texts in stylistic of lyrical pieces of literature are distinctive regarding pattern, function and meaning. A way of forming an aspect of the insertion in stylistic of written texts is generally similar to formation of inserted sentences.