Нэвтрэх хэсэг Нэвтрэх
The Issues of Teacher Development in Mongolia

Хэвлэлийн нэр: The Reform and Innovation of Teacher Education in the Internet Era

Зохиогч:  М.Булганцэцэг

Хамтран зохиогч:

Хэвлүүлсэн огноо: 2016-10-16

Хуудас дугаар: 112-120

Өгүүллийн хураангуй: In the framework of our research, we strived to reveal the major factors that have hindered teacher development in some areas. We also focused on the main criteria that determine teacher professional development, including research work, working conditions and environments, academic freedom, social services of university professors, in-service training in English-speaking countries, and the use of Information and Communications Technology in English teaching that promotes teacher development. In total, 120 English lecturers of the Mongolian National University of Education and the National University of Mongolia were involved in this research. The first part of our research discusses Mongolia’s policy on teacher development in the field of higher education, the implementation and processes as well as the particular teacher development programs in the above-mentioned universities. The second part of our research includes a survey, an interview taken from each of the English lecturers of the two universities as well as our research findings. The strategies for resolving these problems are detailed in the Recommendation section of this paper.

Өгүүллийн төрөл: Олон улсын хурлын эмхэтгэлд бүрэн хэмжээний өгүүлэл

Өгүүллийн зэрэглэл: Гадаад

Түлхүүр үг: #factors #tenure track #criteria #quality reform #policy #grant

Өгүүлэл нэмсэн: М.Булганцэцэг